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Created 9-Nov-13
Modified 10-Jan-25
Visitors 188
111 photos

The butterfly's proboscis (mouth) is clearly visible here.

The butterfly's proboscis (mouth) is clearly visible here.

Feeding Frenzy!

Feeding Frenzy!

Yummy nectar!

Yummy nectar!

The stare-down...don't blink!

The stare-down...don't blink!

"He's taking our picture, stop flapping that wing!"

"He's taking our picture, stop flapping that wing!"

This guy looks like he's been through a war!

This guy looks like he's been through a war!

This fellow decided to hitch a ride on Mary's Shirt.

This fellow decided to hitch a ride on Mary's Shirt.

You can see from his tattered wings and position that this guy is an MMA fan. He's moving in for a Rear Naked Choke!

You can see from his tattered wings and position that this guy is an MMA fan. He's moving in for a Rear Naked Choke!

At first glance I thought it was a yellow leaf.

At first glance I thought it was a yellow leaf.