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Created 9-Aug-13
Modified 22-Mar-19
Visitors 129
11 photos
A variety of firearms experiences.

Categories & Keywords
Category:Lifestyle and Recreation
Subcategory Detail:
Keywords:shooting handgun taurus .45 semi-auto M1911 PT1911

Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired from supported position at 25 yards, 6 o'clock hold at the bottom of the bull. First 5 rounds fired through the gun.Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired from supported position at 25 yards to see where the weapon fired.Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired offhand, two handed hold, at 25 yards.Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired offhand, two handed hold, at 25 yards, 15 rounds.Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired offhand, two handed hold, at 15 yards.Taurus PT 1911, 230 grain .45 ACP, fired offhand, two handed hold, at 15 yards.The Taurus PT 1911.First Brenneke slug (KO) fired through Benelli M2, offhand, 50 yards. Smaller holes made by a previous load of #4 buckshot.Benelli M2, offhand, 50 yards, Brenneke KO slug.The targets. If you look closely, you can see the soda cans in the far bush with the two paper targets.Mary Kicks butt! Scottsdale Gun Club, Colt Gold Cup Trophy .45 ACP, 230 grain FMC, combat range (21 feet), 5 rounds.